Pancake batter
- 2 cups self raising flour
1/4 cup sugar - 1/2 tsp soda bikarbonate soda
- Food colouring - yelloe
- 1 egg
- 1 and 1/2 cup fresh milk
- 1/2 tsp baking powder
**Beat egg and sugar till pluffy. Add in the remaining ingredients. Set aside for 1 hour.**
- Sugar
- Butter
- Peanuts - toated and pounded/blended
- Cream corn
Prepare pancake
- Heat-up non-stick skillet. Pour half cup batter into it & spread, regardless on how big is your skillet. Larger skillet might need more, but remember...not to thick pleaase.. :)
- Half-way cooked, sprinkle with filling. Let if thoroughly cooked and remove from skillet. Fold in ito half.
Hi...ur apam balik looks great! Can u advise wht brand of electric pancake maker in the pic?