11 May, 2009

Almond Mousse

Happy Mothers's Day!
Belum terlambat kannn..hehehh
Almond Mousse
  • 100gm white chocolate bites
  • 1 tsb gelatine
  • 100ml water
  • 200ml fresh cream
  • 2 eggs white
  • 30gm caster sugar
  • 1tsb almond meal
  • Almond essense
  1. Melt chocolate with double boil method.
  2. Dissolve gelatine into water. Add gelatine mixtue into melted chocolate. Let it cool for a while.
  3. Beat fresh cream till thicken/ form a cream - set aside.
  4. Meringue white eggs with caster sugar - set aside.
  5. Pour cream into chocolate mixture, stir well.
  6. Add meringue, again..slowly stir well.
  7. Add almond meal and almond essence.
  8. Pour mixture into mould, refrigerate till it set.