30 March, 2010

Homemade puff pastry

I was eagerly wanted to make a homemade puffpastry since I have not found the big size of it in our market. In Sydney, they are selling it about the same size as A4. But here, the biggest size I'd found is 4X4 inches.

It isn't that hard as thought. Steps to be taken is just 'rolling, folding and resting'. The entire process of making it takes around 1.5 to 2 hours for small portion, but large volume may take about 6 hours.

Here is the recipe in detail:

  1. 500 gm flour
  2. Pinch of salt
  3. Pinch of cream tartar
  4. 1 egg
  5. 50gm butter - for dough
  6. 200gm cold water.
  7. 375gm margarine pastry - for laminating

  • Sieve together the flour, salt and cream tartar. Then add in the butter with rubbing method, to get a breadcrumb-like tecture. Remember, not to use your palm when you rubbing in the butter, but make a small pinch with your finger. Later, pour in the egg and cold water. Combine and knead to form a soft dough. Do not over work with it.
  • Wrap the dough with cling wrap, let it rest in refrigerator for 15 minutes. It is ready for laminating after rested.
  • Sprinkle the working surface with flour if necessary. Start the laminating by rolling the dough into a rectagular shape, approximately 1cm thick. Then cover 2/3 of the dough with the margarine pastry as in the picture 1A.
  • Bring the uncovered surface (1/3 of the dough) to the midle, and fold in another end, as in the picture 1B. Seal the edges if necessary. This is to avoid the fat from coming out while rolling it.
  • Again, roll the dough into rectangular shape and fold it as in the picture 2A and 2B. Wrap with cling wrap and rest it in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. It is now done with the first fold.
  • Continue with the second fold. Roll it again into rectangular shape, as in 2A. And fold like a small book and in picture 3A, 3B and 3C. Rest it in refrigerator for 15 minutes.
  • Continue with the third fold (last). Roll into rectangular and fold as in picture 2A and 2B. It is ready for use after rested in the refrigerator for at least 15 minutes. Picture 4 and 5 is the ready-to-use puff pastry.


  1. Homemade puff ni kalau rajin baru leh cuba. Kalau rasa macam kurang rajin, mama guna roti canai kawan tu je..

  2. salam kak,
    wah..pestime saya tgok org wat puff pastry ni kat blog. cantik puff tu kak. nice blog. izinkan saya add link ya

  3. mama,

    kalau nak ikutkan tak rajin juga..tapi yg ada kat market tuu kecitt bebenor. Payah nak dibagai2kan bentuknyerrr hehehe (ngada2 kan..) :D

    Sila sila...TQ yerrr...datang le jalan2 sini selalu.. :D

  4. Assalamaualikum..
    Saya suka tengok pastry dan egg tart pastry tu..cuma nak tanya ..kegunaan cream of tartar tu untuk apa yer...ini first time saya jumpa resepi dough pastry mengunakan C.O.T...
