26 March, 2009

Apam Mekar

Source: Myresipi.com. Good feedback from everyone who had tried it!

  • 250 gm sugar
  • 2 Eggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence
  • 200 ml fresh milk
  • 300 gm plain flour
  • 1 tsp ovallate
  • Food coloring
  • Paper cup
  1. Beat sugar & eggs - pluffy.
  2. Add vanilla essence, ovallete - keep beating.
  3. Add flour and milk, alternately.
  4. Devide into 2-3 potion and color accordingly. Spoon into paper cup (hold it with apam mould).
  5. Steam for 10-15 minutes. (Stemer must be heated earlier).


  1. a ah.. cantek... leh bukak kedai kek ni.. kak.. camne ngan kek lapis .. takmo pos ke sini ker.. hikhikhik ;p

    bes la.. !

  2. amboi.. lebar senyumnye..
    siap lipstik kaler purple lg.. heheh :p

  3. Kak Zue..thnaks..saya belasah jerr color tuuu :D

    IU..hohooo bukak kedaii???? :D

    Wani..banyak laa hang punya lipstik purple :P

  4. nk cubalah ..sangat cantek la....nk tanya plain flour -tepung gandum biasa je ke?sorry saya tak biasa

  5. hi mak mica..yupp..plain flour = tepung gandunm biasa tuu
